Vi inviterer deg til en åpen forelesning med Mia Nakamura, professor i kulturpolitikk og kulturledelse ved Kyushu universitet i Japan.
I oktober kommer Nakamura på besøk til Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for kultur, helse og omsorg for å lære mer om senteret og musikkbasert miljøbehandling, og for å få innsikt i norsk kultur- og helsepolitikk.
I den forbindelse vil Nakamura holde en åpen forelesning om sin forskning innen kunst, kultur og demens.
I forelesningen vil Nakamura fortelle om forskning på improvisasjonsverksteder for samskapende drama for personer med demens og deres omsorgspersoner. Hun vil også dele sine erfaringer fra utviklingen av den japanske regjeringens håndbok for sosial inkludering gjennom kultur og kunst.
Info om forelesningen
- Dato: mandag 2. oktober 2023
- Tidspunkt: 14:15-15:00
- Sted: rom 2.106, Nylåna, Nord universitet, campus Røstad (Levanger).
- Språk: Forelesningen er på engelsk
- Trykk her for digital tilgang.
Tittel og omtale av forelesningen
Why are co-creative arts beneficial for people with dementia?: Insights from action research on improvisational drama workshops in Japan
While the benefits of arts intervention with people with dementia are now widely acknowledged, the causality behind how and why they are beneficial remains obscure. Our action research on improvisational co-creative drama workshops for people with dementia and their carers has shed some lights on this issue. This presentation begins with a brief overview of Japanese cultural policy trends, followed by discussions of our action research findings, with a focus on causal relationships and evaluation issues.
Bio Mia Nakamura
Mia Nakamura, PhD, is a Professor of Cultural Policy and Arts Management at Kyushu University in Japan. Her recent research interests include social inclusion, wellbeing, and evaluation in arts and culture. Notably, she led a collaborative research project with the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the Japanese Government from 2018 to 2021, resulting in the publication of three handbooks on Social Inclusion through Culture and Arts in both Japanese and English in 2019-2021 (The English version is available here).
Furthermore, she serves as an advisor to various cultural organizations, with one noteworthy output being the Tokyo Performing Arts Center’s booklet Guidebook to the Art Activities Leading to Social Inclusion (The English version is available at: Since 2020, she has been engaged in action research involving improvisational co-creative drama workshops for people with dementia and their caregivers. This research is conducted in collaboration with a welfare think tank and a non-profit organization (Videos and related materials are available here).
Last year, she also translated and published Understanding the Value of Arts and Culture, originally by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council, which had a significant impact in Japan.